Sun Best Fruit wants you to know that we take the health and safety of you, your families, our staff and fellow market vendors very seriously. Here is what we're doing to help keep you safe when you choose Sun Best Fruit both at the markets as well as in the orchards in the Okanagan.

- Staff are to wash or sanitize their hands or wear fresh disposable nitrile gloves when handling any fruit whether that means putting it out on the table or packaging it up for you to take home.

- No staff member will handle cash transactions and order preparation without first disposing of gloves, washing/sanitizing hands and/or putting on a new pair of gloves.

- We are wiping down any contact points after each customer including Square contactless readers, iPad screens and table surfaces

- Where possible we are limiting our staff exposure to risk by staffing each market location with staff members from the same households.

- We are closely monitoring ourselves and one another for any signs or symptoms of illness and will self-quarantine as recommended by health officials and seek appropriate testing. These employees will not return to the markets until a negative test result is received or 14 days have passed symptom-free. If we believe these staff members may have been at the market with symptoms, the market management will be notified immediately.

- We are following all advice on health and safety from public health officials. As information and guidance from public health officials changes, we will reassess and change our procedures and protocols accordingly.



Thank you for your incredible loyalty to Sun Best Fruit. As this situation evolves, we will continue to be proactive and will never compromise on doing what we feel is the right thing to keep you safe.

We know the market is usually and exciting part of your week and that you like to share that experience with those close to you. During these times however we would like to ask you to consider limiting entry to only one adult per family.

Lastly, but by no means of least importance we want to thank all of our public health workers who have met this pandemic every day since the very beginning with an unwavering commitment to the health and wellbeing of all citizens.


at the market

about sun best

the fruits

the recipe box

the sunbest family

in the community

Photography © Henry Kieftenbeld      Web Experience by Animatters Inc.